Sunday, January 15, 2012

Always on top option in windows

Everyone would have been quite accustomed to the "Always on top" option in GNU/Linux. In windows, there are no out-of-the box ways to do it. However, you can easily achieve that in a few steps.
1) Install latest version of Autohotkey
2) Create a new text file somewhere in your Desktop.
3) Rename it to my_script.ahk
4) Open the file using any text editor and paste the below content into it.

^space::WinSet AlwaysOnTop, , A

5) Make a shortcut to the above created file.
6) Copy that shortcut to your startup folder.

Once you restart your system, you can use the shortcut 'ctrl + space' to make the current window 'Always on top'. I found it very useful when you are using calculators and command prompt. You can stop annoying now, because you don't need to use 'alt + tab' that often.

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