Monday, January 23, 2012

Is google+ a privacy threat?

Google is working on a feature which enables users in your circles to see what you have seen.
See the below video
Share your comments!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Google transliterate in your desktop

Easy way to type your local languages on your desktop.
1) Download this
2) Install it.
3) Press alt+shift to switch between languages

Using this you can type your native language in any application. (say word, notepad++ etc)
No internet connection required
Inbuilt dictionary available

Works only on Windows

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Unfuddle with git

Some projects involve portions or full of proprietary code.
If so, wanted to share your sources and collaborate with a developer online?
You can use It is easy to create an account. You can either use SVN or git as your version control system. Both free and paid accounts are available for use. Once registered, you'll get a personalized name such as ''

Disclaimer: In free version, there is no SSL security. So, if you are so much concerned about the security, stop using it for your code. But you can always give a try to see how it is.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Download Youtube videos in chrome

Wanted to download youtube videos without installing any software or script? Then read ahead.
You don't need to install any software to download videos from youtube whenever you use Google chrome.
1) Create a shortcut in desktop and make it point to this directory

C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache
The above is in the case of Windows 7, in windows XP it will differ.

2) Whenever you see videos, let the video gets buffered. Then goto the above folder and lookout for files starting with f_xyzxyz. You can easily locate the video files by arranging the files according to either 'size' of by 'date modified'.
3) open VLC media player. Drag the file directly into VLC. If you've found the video you are looking for, copy it to the desired location and rename it with extension(.flv)

Hope you find it useful.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Losing data due to Shift+Delete?

Many people have the habit of using 'shift + del' very often (atleast I do). So, I wanted to figure out a way so as to prevent shift + del happening in the background. Autohotkey came again to rescue me.
Here are the steps.

1) Install latest version of Autohotkey
2) Create a new text file somewhere in your Desktop.
3) Rename it to my_script.ahk
4) Open the file using any text editor and paste the below content into it.

+Del::Send {Delete}

In the above '+' denotes shift. So, what the script means to autohotkey is that, whenever user presses shift + del, send just del to the process and not shift + del.

5) Make a shortcut to the above created file.
6) Copy that shortcut to your startup folder.

When the system is restarted, you can enjoy using shift + del, and still see the files in Recycle bin.

Disclaimer: Please note that moving files frequently to recycle bin and not cleaning it up often can make the bin full and you lose your deleted data, as windows may not push data to recycle bin and delete it directly.

Always on top option in windows

Everyone would have been quite accustomed to the "Always on top" option in GNU/Linux. In windows, there are no out-of-the box ways to do it. However, you can easily achieve that in a few steps.
1) Install latest version of Autohotkey
2) Create a new text file somewhere in your Desktop.
3) Rename it to my_script.ahk
4) Open the file using any text editor and paste the below content into it.

^space::WinSet AlwaysOnTop, , A

5) Make a shortcut to the above created file.
6) Copy that shortcut to your startup folder.

Once you restart your system, you can use the shortcut 'ctrl + space' to make the current window 'Always on top'. I found it very useful when you are using calculators and command prompt. You can stop annoying now, because you don't need to use 'alt + tab' that often.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Re entry

Planning to start writing again. Lets see how much time I get to devote to this site.

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